“Color must be for
By disseminating the
ColorADD code, we intend to
reach 7 billion
people, ensuring the full
integration of 350 million
colorblind people
milhões in
a global society, in which 90%
of communication is made
through color...
ColorADD.Social is a non-profit association dedicated to promoting social integration of people with difficulty in identifying colors, more precisely colorblind people, through the adoption of the ColorADD code.
Founded in 2014...+
ColorADD.Social has the mission of raising the community awareness to this cause, especially the educational community, by training, socially and technically accompanying and supporting educational and inclusion projects. This way, contributing to a more inclusive school and promoting preliminary color vision screenings of young children, thus granting to children with visual deficiency, color accessibility in libraries and school classrooms. It is in school context that both the relationship with the surrounding environment and with the peer group intensifies, also appearing the first constraints, and the early signs of rejection and social exclusion, such as: bullying, low self-esteem, learning difficulties, school failure, etc. Thus, our action is especially directed to the school community, and contributing to a more inclusive school. Our main goal is to contribute to a more inclusive and non-discriminatory society, in which every child has the same learning opportunities and knows how to identify and know both how to identify and interact with diversity.
In schools...+
We know the first years of life are essential to the formation of the future adult’s personality, and it is in school context that both the relationship with the surrounding environment and with the peer group intensifies. Thus, it seems essential to us to intervene in an early phase, in the lives of those, who will be our future one day. We take this tool to schools, so that children might, in a playful and fun way, familiarize themselves with a new language, which will help them to decide later on and to choose independently, whenever color is a factor of decision. In this sense, ColorADD.Social has been, in partnership with several stakeholders, raising awareness of the entire community – with a particular focus on the school community – for color blindness and all the constraints associated with this non-visible limitation.
Miguel Neiva
President | Founder
João Paulo P. Machado
Vice-President | Founder
ColorADD.Social is composed of a team of people dedicated and committed to this cause, with different trainings and backgrounds, but that connect and complement each other, covering different areas of social and human sciences.
This team is responsible for the implementation of the "ColorADD School Program", being involved in all phases of the process, promoting and organizing all actions. In addition to the full-time elements, we also have a network of volunteers who have been replicating this Program in various geographies with us.
Bárbara Santos
Coordenadora Geral
Pedro Ferreira
Naida Mariani
Operations Manager
João Nuno Santos
Operations Manager
Would you like to go along with us and "color" schools?
We are forming a volunteer database and we'd like to be able to count on you! If you want to embark with us on this adventure, just fill out the form... We are waiting for you!
Click here
to download
the form.
For ColorADD.Social, partnerships with
associations, foundations among others
are paramount for
developing the actions we have carried
out since 2014. We
have come a path that privileges
The road is still long, but it has only
one way...
We want to go forward, but we don't want to go alone – we count on everyone to continue the Mission we propose and to reach the four corners of the world. Therefore, our partners are an essential piece of this process of making color more accessible to all.